Grand Council Annual Meeting
The Grand Council of the Order of Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and District and Councils Overseas was held in The Grand Temple, Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street in London on Tuesday 23rd October. A goodly number of West Lancashire Allied masons left their homes early in the morning in order to arrive for an early afternoon start. Our journey was quite uneventful, unless you call a fifteen minute detour via Northampton due to a train breakdown on the line, eventful. We arrived in the Capital with sufficient time to register and leave our bags in Great Queen Street and cross the road to "The Pillars" for a thirst quenching pre meeting drink.
Welcome to Grand Council
Reception area
West Lancs. Recipients with D.G.P.
Our thirst quenched we returned to the Hall, changed into our regalia, and made our way to our seats. At !.15 p.m. the meeting was called to order to receive The District Grand Prefects, The Distinguished Guests from other Grand Councils, The Past Wardens and The Active Grand Officers for the year. The Most Worshipful Grand Master Thomas Firth Jackson was welcomed into Grand Council with acclamation.
What’s this W.Bro. Frank Clarke without a glass?
Enjoying refreshment in the bar/lounge
Ready for Dinner
The Grand Master opened Grand Council in due form and the first item of business was in Memoriam of those of our Brethren who had been called to higher service. The next items on the agenda were of an administrative nature brought before Grand Council. Most Worshipful Brother Thomas Firth Jackson was re-elected and Proclaimed as Grand Master for the ensuing year and given salutations to which he suitable responded. The Grand Master then re-appointed Right Worshipful Brother Clive Robert Manuel as Deputy Grand Master who was given salutations to which he to suitably responded. Very Worshipful Brother John Norman George Howitt was re-elected Grand Treasurer. There then followed the Appointment and Investiture of the Grand Officers for the year 2018/2019 which included Two Promotions and Six First Appointments for the Brethren of West Lancashire, Worshipful Brothers John C Bicknell and David Redhead were Promoted to Past Grand Junior Deacons, Worshipful Brothers Frank W. Clarke, Ernest Gavan, Raymond K. Lamb and Stuart J.D. Mowbray were Appointed Past Grand Standard Bearer, Worshipful Brothers Walter Porter and Edwin Schofield were appointed Past Grand Inner Guard.
Table 31
Table 32
The Next Items on the agenda were to appoint Auditors, to appoint two members onto the Executive Committee of the Order and to elect two members onto the Executive Committee of the Order. The Grand Master gave his annual address to the Grand Council. There being no other business to transact The Grand Master closed Grand Council. The Grand Master accompanied by The Deputy Grand Master and the Active Officers along with The District Grand Officers and Distinguished Guests retired. When the procession had cleared the    Temple we made use of the lavish surroundings to have a photo-shoot before removing our regalia and leaving Freemasons Hall for dinner.
W.Bro. Maurice Evans and W.Bro. Brian Povey
D.G.P , Dep.D.G.P., with three of West Lancs. Recipients W.Bros Walter Porter, Stuart Mowbray and Edwin Schofield
Now you know why I’m not on Photographs
Dinner was in the Grand Connaught Rooms right next door to the Freemasons Hall in Great Queen Street, where we enjoyed an aperitif before taking our places for dinner. Dinner was a delightful three courses with a glass or two of wine to aid the digestion. The toasts in Allied Masonry seem to be just the right length as do the responses and we were soon in the local hostelries enjoying a few beers with our old friends and some new ones. It was soon time to make our way to the railway station for our return journey back to Lancashire it had been a long day and in my and my fellow recipients case a rewarding one.
Report and photos by Ernie Gavan